the Floor and TDA are boss

Everyone who participates in Pokahnights live poker events acknowledges that the Floor and the Tournament Director running the tournament has all decision-making power to run the tournament in the proper manner. The Pokahnights crew may make any decision in the interest of the proper running of a live poker tournament.

Pokahnights follows the poker rules promulgated by the TDA. The Floor and the Tournament Director have the right to deviate from this if the situation requires it. 

Respect for everyone is the foundation. Taking your seat at the table with an open and respectful attitude is always a good basis for the game to run correctly. 

House Rules

In addition to the poker technical form requirements, there are also house rules at Pokahnights. These rules are designed to ensure that everyone in the club can enjoy live club poker in a comfortable and respectful environment, as they should. Adherence to these rules is essential to an enjoyable experience for all players and staff.


Pokahnights considers it very important that the club regulations are followed. Violations against the rules will always receive an appropriate sanction.