Pokah Sports, play in the money.

If you participate in a poker tournament, the goal is obviously to finish in the prizes: in the money! In the Pokah Sports section of Sportify poker we bet exclusively on ITM performance. Every time you do an ITM you will receive points, and the bigger the multiplier of your buy-in is, the more points you will earn in the Pokah Sports ranking.

Are you signing up for a 50x in the club soon?

Ranking by quarter

Poker is not a snapshot in time. Good results in poker are the result of theoretical knowledge, experience and competitive rhythm. It is a matter of making the right moves at the right time. The Pokah Sports ranking is therefore a longer running ranking, we play in blocks of a quarter or 3 months each time. So each time after 3 months there is a ranking winner.

Just as for the Pokah League results, we have also neatly tracked the results for Pokah Sports since January 2023. These results too will soon be published in groomed rankings. During the Sportify Poker beta that is currently running we are focusing on the Pokah League pillar of Sportify Poker ... but no worries, the rankings will be maintained internally as well as the accompanying collectable Pokah Sports achievements.

Collectable Pokah Sports achievements

For good performance in the Pokah Sports leaderboards, we will also be handing out achievements that can be collected by Pokahnights players. As in all other achievement categories, there will be 4 different achievements to earn, achievements that you can also up-level from micro to ultra.

  • Sports Gold. For the winner

  • Sports Silver. For the runner-up

  • Sports Bronze. For third place

  • Sports P10. Anyone who can finish among the top 10% of players in a quarter will receive a Sports P10 achievement.

Good to know ... the Sports collectable achievements do not have their own points value. We will use a different table for up-leveling achievements since they are handed out much less than event achievements. During someone's 15 season, feel free to tap into the Sports ranking to get into Ultra mode! The Pokah Sports achievements are still under development, follow the latest updates on achievements on the achievements page.